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Before discussing exercise tips, always consult with your physician before starting an exercise regiment. Follow your physician's instructions which are tailored to your specific needs.

The following are some general exercise tips. Did you know that regular physical activity will actually give you more energy throughout your busy day. You can handle stress and increase your resistance to fatigue if you exercise regularly. Depression and anxiety can be countered with exercise. You will even sleep better if exercise becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Exercise can tone your muscles and burn off calories. To lose 1 pound, you will need to burn off 3,500 calories more than you take in. Bicycling can burn off 240 calories an hour. Cross country skiing burns off 700 calories an hour. Jogging burns off 920 calories an hour, while swimming 50 yards a minute burns off 500 calories an hour. Walking burns off between 240 and 440 calories an hour depending on your speed, and the champ is running 10 miles an hour, which burns off 1,280 calories an hour. Watching TV burns off little or no calories, depending on if you use the remote or not.

One of the risk factors for heart disease is physical inactivity. The lack of physical activity increases your risk for developing heart disease. Even persons who have had a heart attack can increase their chances of survival if they change their habits to include regular physical activity. It can help control blood lipids, diabetes and obesity as well as help to lower blood pressure. Also, physical activity of the right intensity, frequency, and duration can increase the fitness of your heart and lungs - which may help protect you against heart disease even if you have other risk factors.

Before starting an exercise program, consider these following questions:
How do I begin?
How physically fit am I right now?
My age is a factor.
What benefits do I want from exercising?
Should I exercise alone or with other people?
Do I want to exercise outdoors or in my home?
How much money do I want to spend on exercising?
When is the best time for me to exercise?

These questions can be discussed with your physician and through your personal preference of exercise and budget.

Most importantly, don't hurt yourself while exercising.
Always build up your level of activity gradually over the weeks to
Listen to your body for early warning pains
Be aware of possible signs of heart problems such as pain or
pressure in your chest, or sudden lightheadedness, cold sweat, or
On hot days, drink plenty of fluids, exercise in the cooler parts of
the day, and wear loose-fitting clothing.
On cold days, wear layered clothing, stay hydrated, wear mittens,
and wear a hat, since 40% of your body's heat is lost through
your neck and head.

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