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Your doctor has scheduled you for an electrophysiology study otherwise known as EPS or EP studies. The purpose of doing an EPS is to study the electrical system of the heart so the doctor will know best how to treat you. The heart has an electrical system that controls how your heart beats. When this electrical system is working properly the heart usually beats between 60 an 100 times per minute. The electrical impulse travels a pathway from the top of the heart to the bottom of the heart. Sometimes, the electrical system is not following a normal pathway, and the heart may beat too rapidly or too slowly. When this happens, the heart may not be able to pump adequate amounts of blood to your body.

Before The Test
You may be asked to stop taking any medicines that
affect your heart
Your heart will be monitored prior to the procedure.
You will be asked to sign consent forms after your doctor
has answered all of your questions.
Most patients are not allowed to eat or drink after
midnight prior to the procedure. Ask your nurse.
You will be asked to empty your bladder prior to the
procedure and to wear only a hospital gown.
You may be given some medicine to help you relax
before the procedure.
You will be taken to the cardiac cath lab by wheelchair
or stretcher.

During The Test
You will be lying on a padded flat table. Your heart will
be monitored, and X ray equipment will be around you.
The equipment is sensitive to heat so therefore, the room
is kept cold.
A numbing medicine (local anesthetic) will be injected into
your groin area and a small catheter (tube) will be inserted
into the vein in your groin.
Small wires will be guided into your heart through the
catheters in the groin. X ray equipment will be used to tell
if the wires are in the correct position in your heart.
The doctor will use the wires to attempt to determine
what is wrong with the electrical system in your heart.
Inform your doctor how you are feeling during the

Immediately After The Test
The catheter in your groin may be removed before you
return to your room, or it may remain in place for a short
time. When this catheter is removed, a bandage will be
applied and the site will be checked. You will be ordered
to stay at bed rest for at least several hours after the
The doctor will talk to you about the results of the study
and the plans for the future.

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